(678) 580-1149 info@milnervein.com

What is a Duplex Color-Flow Ultrasound?

Duplex ultrasound helps study the blood flow in your arms and legs’ major veins and arteries. It includes high-pitched sound impressions to measure the speed of your blood flow and assembly of the arm and leg veins. Let’s get into more elaborated details on a duplex...

What to Avoid After Sclerotherapy Procedure

Post Sclerotherapy Procedure Tips Sclerotherapy is a procedure that’s used to treat varicose veins and spider veins. It’s a minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment that uses a drug called sclerosant to destroy the vein walls. The sclerosant makes them...

How Long Does Sclerotherapy Last?

Sclerotherapy is a treatment for varicose veins. It’s different from laser treatments in that sclerotherapy uses a chemical solution to stop blood flow to the vein wall, causing it to collapse and disappear. The procedure can be done in one visit or over multiple...

What is an Angiogram?

Most people know that their heart is an important organ. Their bodies need it to keep functioning normally, and if the heart isn’t working properly, people can experience a wide range of symptoms, including chest pain and shortness of breath. Sometimes these...

Dialysis Access Management Treatment

If you’re in need of a dialysis access management treatment, you’re likely suffering from a kidney disease, which makes it difficult for your blood to get cleaned naturally. If your kidneys fail, you must use an external dialysis machine to flush out any toxins and...